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Open Access
The pitfalls of verifying floating-point computations
Article No.: 12, pp 1–41

Current critical systems often use a lot of floating-point computations, and thus the testing or static analysis of programs containing floating-point operators has become a priority. However, correctly defining the semantics of common implementations ...

Open Access
On the complexity of partially-flow-sensitive alias analysis
Article No.: 13, pp 1–28

We introduce the notion of a partially-flow-sensitive analysis based on the number of read and write operations that are guaranteed to be analyzed in a sequential manner. We study the complexity of partially-flow-sensitive alias analysis and show that ...

Open Access
AspectML: A polymorphic aspect-oriented functional programming language
Article No.: 14, pp 1–60

This article defines AspectML, a typed functional, aspect-oriented programming language. The main contribution of AspectML is the seamless integration of polymorphism, run-time type analysis and aspect-oriented programming language features. In ...

Open Access
Witnessing side effects
Article No.: 15, pp 1–42

We present a new approach to the old problem of adding global mutable state to purely functional languages. Our idea is to extend the language with “witnesses,” which is based on an arguably more pragmatic motivation than past approaches. We give a ...

Open Access
Size-change termination with difference constraints
Article No.: 16, pp 1–31

This article considers an algorithmic problem related to the termination analysis of programs. More specifically, we are given bounds on differences in sizes of data values before and after every transition in the program's control-flow graph. Our goal ...

Open Access
PEAK—a fast and effective performance tuning system via compiler optimization orchestration
Article No.: 17, pp 1–43

Compile-time optimizations generally improve program performance. Nevertheless, degradations caused by individual compiler optimization techniques are to be expected. Feedback-directed optimization orchestration systems generate optimized code versions ...

